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Affective and Empathic Counseling

Plot summary:

A caregiver brings her child to the clinic because he has a fever. A frontline worker (FLW) asks about the child’s vaccination status while the mother insists that her son needs to be seen by a doctor. The FLW’s  insistence on talking to the caregiver about vaccination leads the caregiver to become upset.

Addressing Rumors or Myths and Role in Vaccine Safety Events

Plot summary:

The immunization program has been going well until a rumor begins that one child in a community far from the capital has become sick after receiving a vaccine. The rumor is becoming stronger every day and is picking up coverage on local radio.

The M&E Framework

The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for the IPC/I package provides adaptable, actionable guidance to review, monitor and measure the implementation, use, learning, and impact of the IPC/I Initiative and its components. The framework highlights how the training and use of the IPC/I package is expected to translate into knowledge and skills of FLWs and their supervisors, and how those knowledge and skills will then lead to improvements in IPC around immunization at the workplace.

Reference Cards

The IPC/I Reference Cards have been created to provide an easy access to information on vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases. These cards can be used as self-learning tools; guides for conversations with caregivers and community members; or information resources for education and training.

The IPC/I Reference Cards cover many of the most important topics that FLWs often address in their daily work. The Cards provide facts and information related to:

Video Series

The IPC/I Video Series presents common challenges faced by FLWs in their immunization work as well as strategies and skills that FLWs can apply to practice better IPC when faced with challenges. Six of animated films feature characters who represent different regions of the world and demonstrate that FLWs all around the world face similar challenges in their work. The videos have dramatic storylines to keep the viewers interested and engaged, while using modeling to build the IPC/I skills of FLWs.

Audio Job Aids

The IPC/I Audio Job Aids are short audio tracks that use a dialogue format to share key messages related to some of the most common, difficult questions that FLWs may encounter during their visits with caregivers. While the Frequently Asked Questions guide will serve as a comprehensive resource containing all key messages related to common questions, the Audio Job Aids will offer FLWs another channel for accessing the key messages.

Creating a Welcoming Environment and Communicating Effectively

Plot summary:

A mother arrives to the health facility with a newborn and a small child. As she approaches the entrance, she can hear a nurse providing a group education session while caregivers are waiting to be seen. The mother is nervous and a bit flustered from her long journey and not sure whether to enter the facility for fear that she will interrupt the session.